Squirrel-Dog Hybrids!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night My Pets,

Well nothing much as happened since my Grandmother verbally attacked me, I would like to tell you know that your Queen does not that great of memory so that small transcript of the fight is generalization not word for word. Well as you can tell from the script the She-Bitch wants me gone, She's vindictive and spiteful, and as I've said in the past She occasionally cooks dinner. Now with my ethics on witchcraft I've made my fair share of enemies and I wouldn't eat anything one of them made for me,  I refuse to eat anything that She-Bitch cooks. Now She made tacos Tuesday or Wednesday, I don't remember which, so as normal I ate dinner and it was good I guess. The next day I woke up and I was violently sick, I mean I couldn't really get out of bed and I was vomiting up my guts. She knows nothing of witchcraft but I don't want Her negativity of wanting to be rid of me to rub off on my food; so I'm cooking for myself, it's not a new development I've been doing it since I could turn a fucking stove on.

I re-fixed my sleep schedule for like the fortieth time and it's fucked up AGAIN! I am very fucking angry, for the past few days I had been waking up around six or seven in the morning so that's a good thing. But I am a evening person through and through; if I was to sleep all day and be awake during the night I would be fine, I wouldn't be tired in the middle of the night. During the day, now that's a different thought all together, I get very fucking tired in the middle of the day. Now being so fucking tired I tried to take a nap, now usually I'm not able to fall asleep because someone is  calling my cell or The She-Bitch is being loud, but yesterday it was perfect I got a two or so hour nap in. Now, see the thing with me and naps are, if I get a nap I won't sleep that night so that's where we are.

So now I am sleep-deprived and I have a migraine the sized of Europe.

Now I know what all of you are saying: Now our great and Benevolent Queen, why don't you take a nap and have someone wake You from Your beauty sleep?

Now my entertaining subjects, why didn't I think of that?

Because no one in the palace is willing to wake You from your beauty sleep?

I really should knight you or something, you must be reading my mind.

I had asked my brother if he would wake me up an hour or two later, He refused citing that I would yell at him! I of all people don't yell. It's not like I was asking much, all I wanted was for him to ring my cell once or twice to wake me, it's not like I asked him to swim the English Channel!

My honorable, cunning, wise, and all-knowing Queen; why don't you just have him exiled?

Now I would love to do that but alas he is part if the royal family, that's frowned upon you know and He hasn't even committed a crime.

Ah but Mistress shouldn't anyone who disturbs your rest be considered a criminal?

You have a very good point there peasant, I shall bring it up to my advisors.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="294" caption="Not mine found on google."][/caption]

I really do love writing those small conversations, they are entertaining. I should name the Peasant shouldn't I? Something I've noticed is that on this blog I have a slight personality shift, I act more narcissistic than normal, then again that's not by much.  Another thing is that I have been dreaming more and more lately, the other night it was about me taking over the world with a squirrel-dog hybrid army, one of these animals could take out five marines in two seconds, three of them could take out a tank in ten seconds and, they where near bullet-proof.

I am starting up my own homegame of DnD it's forth edition and I'm trying to figure out what day I'm running the buffoons through Keep on the Shadowfell. Okay well that may have been a little harsh, their not buffoons they are just nerds.

I just now realized that google got the squirrel picture from another wordpress site, so heres a link. And I have to say I am slightly jealous of the smiling coffee, after all He's made of coffee so he is totally caffeinated. Wait, is the coffee a He or is it a She? Well with the english language it assumes that its masculine until told otherwise.

I think I'm gonna go to bed, Night!

Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, By the Grace of God, The Defender of the Old Faith, Original Sin, The Queen of Harlots, Roses, Chaos, Heaven, Night, Empress of India, The Tsar of Hell, Ruler of the Underworld,The Whore of Babylon, Heaven, and Hell, Pope of Discord, The Saint of Sinners, The Beast, Lucifer, The Morning Star, Prophetess of the Old Religion, Priestess of the Greek Gods, Hecates’ Handmaiden, Sovereign over all, Daniel Ambrosius Devereux.


Clark said...

Google is a search engine, so everything on Google was "found" somewhere else. Don't mean to pick, thanks for the link!

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