
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey Idiots,

So I've been too busy to post, well that's a lie but whatever.

I seriously think I need to be medicated, if I was to go to a therapist right now She would have me committed. I've been having very strange dreams and thoughts, if any of you follow me on Twitter you'll know what I mean. Heres a few tweets to extrapolate.
When I call my cell from my cell I call my answering machine but I want to call myself.

I don’t know what days are!

I wants to be a panda, pandas baby children.

Also I found my cellphone in the microwave on the fourth.

Last night when I got in bed I slammed my face on the wall by accident. Right now I wish we had a couch, why you ask? I want to carve a couch on the couch.

I was driving Elizabeth crazy the  other day with my random thoughts, I wrote some of them down and when I read them myself I was like; "HOLY BATSHIT! I"M FUCKING NUTS!"

One of them said something about being a panda, oh and pandas eat babies not bamboo it's just a panda cover-up. If I was a panda I would knock over a liquor store and I'd beat people with bamboo; Did you know bamboo is a grass? I know I was all what the fuck man!

I've been meaning to make a post about my New Years Resolution but I've been distracted, so I'll do it now. My Goals, goals with an 's', are to read one hundred book and lose fifty pounds this year. Pray to the fucking gods I do or I make break faces.

I'm losing any linear timeline so I don't know what happened when unless I tweeted about it.

Tuesday, the eighth, I went for a walk. It wasn't much of a walk, I just went down to the crossroads near my house and left an offering to Hecate. I didn't go to the crossroads I had wanted because of the ice and the fact that my hair was still wet.

I need to make a post about Vincent which I hope to do soon. Quick explanation, Vincent is a spirit I bound into my service on the seventeenth of January.

I will make a better post soon, I hope. I'm being ADD lately but I will post more, I promise.

~Daniel Ambrosious Devereux


James Schwartz said...

If wierd dreams were the standard they would have put me in the padded room years ago, I have dreams that I can throw spells. in which both the dead and actors have been to show up and take parts and strangest of all where I can walk without a walker or even a cane

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