Oh My Bloody Gods, Money Spell!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello my Minions,

We got the loan! Okay so very few people know this but we were trying to get a loan for a car, well a van. As you, my readers, know my brother is paralyzed from the waist down. He hasn't really left the house for four years, the only times he's left the house was for school. Well I got my permit sometime in July and I've yet to drive, so does the fact that I cast a spell for the money make me a bit selfish?

So I cast a money spell, I have two beliefs about magic; the first being magic always works - just not always in the way you expect, and the second being magic always has a price.  The price isn't just the components of the spell - the candles, incense, and  herbs - it's what you give to the universe in response. Then again it might just be the components, magic is unpredictable.

The spell consisted of three numbers of money, the first being a bit over the bare need, so say you need two hundred dollars ask for three hundred. Then it was the exact number, so in the example it was two hundred. Finally the last number under the total, it wasn't the exact amount you'd need but you could scrape by on it, so in this case 125-150.

This spell called for the moon in Taurus and green candles, keep in mind I wrote the spell a year or two ago. So of course when I heard about the needing money the power of the Taurus moon was waning, well near waning. I didn't have green candles but I did have silver, I needed them for an invocation,  which in my opinion silver represents money a lot better.

Magic is simple, it doesn't take the high priest of Guadalupe to make it rain, someone with a basic knowledge can do just the same. As I said magic is simple it takes the most direct path.  You tell it what it can and cannot do, Oh I need money, good-bye Great Aunt Muriel! In the above scenario you needed money and being foolish you didn't set parameters and you might have lost a family member.

So back to the spell, I wrote the formula down on the paper in green ink and a few sigils drawn about. With a few drops of blood and the paper burnt to ash the spell was put out into the universe.

Now back to magic's price, I woke up this morning with a migraine of epic proportions. My arm was numb, my head felt like a cloud of daggers raged like a storm inside, and my stomach churned like the ocean swell. I felt ill yesterday and that should have been the first sign, so now I know my price.

So this witch will take to his bed for the day, well week.


Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, By the Grace of God, The Defender of the Old Faith, The Queen of Harlots, The Queen of Heaven and The Queen of Hell, The Whore of Heaven, The Whore of Hell, The Whore of Babylon, Queen and Empress, Sovereign over all, Daniel Ambrosius Devereux.


Drali Afrohealer said...

I like this blog and the content is just as good as the blog it self that is why i want to link it to black magic love spell maybe one day you will need to check on it

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