Raven Hair and Ruby Lips....

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hello my Glorious Minions,

So I know that I haven't posted for four days and I don't care.  I haven't done the Wii for a few days but then again I needed a break, on the 19th I went to O'Neil Nebraska with my Grandfather. It was a six-hour drive there and back so I brought my CD player along; So I listened to Cher for six hours straight, okay now I love Cher just as much as the next gay but six hours is a bit much. The shipment was approximately 1,800 pounds, it was fairly easy, the shipment was to a hospital so it was no real work.

I went to Ground Zero Comics this Saturday, I hadn't been going for the past few weeks. I went and babysat my aunts dogs most of those times and once or twice I hadn't been feeling all so well. So I played Pathfinders first slot, My witch, Aradia, finally made third level I have yet to really choose which hex to go with, I'll probably go with the flight hex or slumber hex. Second slot I played Rokugan, I made a Crane Courtier named Doji Yomi. It was interesting to play, I wouldn't play it religiously but it was good, its a very political setting so I mostly just sat and watched the groups interactions.

As of late my Grandmother had been stirring up some drama. My Uncle and his girlfriend have been doing drugs, I figured that they where at least doing pot. I really don't care if they are doing pot or anything else, and anyway pot isn't even a drug in my honest opinion.

Now your Queen and Goddess shall bid you adieu,

Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, By the Grace of God, The Defender of the Old Faith, Original Sin, The Queen of Harlots, Roses, Chaos, Heaven, Empress of India, The Tsar of Hell, Ruler of the Underworld,The Whore of Babylon, Heaven, and Hell, Pope of Discord, The Saint of Sinners, Lover to The Beast, Prophetess of the Old Religion, Priestess of the Greek Gods, Hecates' Handmaiden, Sovereign over all, Daniel Ambrosius Devereux.


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